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HI|LGC, Biosearch Technologies|114886|BB1

PTAqua to offer new SPAROS custom feeds

Pacific Trading Aquaculture Ltd. (PTAqua) have announced its newest product offerings for tailored feeds for larval fish. These products came in response to an increased need for nutritional solutions for both traditional and emerging aquaculture species.

GreenWave launches regenerative ocean farming hub

GreenWave announced it will launch a Regenerative Ocean Farming Hub, a suite of online training tools, community collaboration space and marketplace for seaweed farmers and hatchery technicians.

Belarus faces difficulties with recreational programs

Belarusian officials have raised concerns over a sharp decline in the eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) population. Due to the construction of dams and hydroelectric power stations on the rivers, eel cannot independently reach the water bodies of Belarus.
Sponsored Spotlight 
HI|InWater Technologies|114183|SS1

How high is the TGP in your water?

Total gas pressure, TGP, is the sum of the partial pressures of all gases dissolved in water plus the water vapor pressure. When water is supersaturated, it may cause gas bubble disease in fish and other aquatic animals. The reasons why water becomes supersaturated are:

  • Heating of water
  • Air leaks or air entrainment on the suction side of pumps
  • Water brought up from deep wells
  • Entrainment of air in water released over dam sluice ways

TGP should be monitored or spot checked with a handheld meter, like InWater Technologies’ new TGP Tracker. For info email info@inwatertech.com.

How will European RAS run without Russian energy?

This was something that Europe should have been working on years ago, when Germany stopped the Nord Stream 2 pipeline or when eight years ago, the war in Ukraine begun. The eggs should be put in different baskets for balance, rather than relying on one importer, in one source. » Read more
Sponsored Spotlight 
HI|Xelect Ltd|109185|SS2


Welcome to our new series of detailed guides explaining how genetics backed breeding programmes work. Our first guide focuses on trout and explains:
  • an overview of trout genetics
  • what kind of gains you can get and what to watch out for
  • how breeding programmes work in practice
  • tips on how to get started.

Download your free copy here
HI|High Volume Oxygen|111931|BB2

Anaerobic digestion of sludge from RAS: Challenges and potential solutions

Once removed from the recirculation loop, waste solids must be managed, and are currently considered an operation expense. Through the process of anaerobic digestion (AD), organic matter in aquaculture waste can be transformed into a renewable energy resource. » Read more

Study says ‘no’ to disinfection in European lobster larvae RAS

Survival rate of larvae in RAS without disinfection increased with 43 and 275 per cent, in the first experiment, and 64 and 18 per cent in the second experiment, compared to RAS with UV and a conventional flow-through system (FTS), respectively. » Read more
HI|Faivre Sarl|109282|BB3


Northeast Aquaculture Conference & Expo 2022

Apr. 27-29, 2022
Portland, Maine, USA
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Aquaculture UK 2022

May 3-5, 2022
Aviemore, Scotland
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Sea Lice Conference 2022

May 9-13, 2022
Tórshavn, Faroe Islands, Denmark
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