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HI|Mainstream Aquaculture QueenslandPty Ltd|0115617|BB1

Danish institute and Benchmark Genetics to develop AI tech to count sea lice

The Danish Technological Institute (DTU) is working with Benchmark Genetics Norway to research and develop artificial intelligence (AI) to count sea lice. The technology is meant to help improve accuracy for selecting resistant fish for breeding purposes.

MSD Animal Health reveals new oxygen injection technology

MSD Animal Health has launched a new oxygen injection technology designed to provide stable fish passage through dam facilities. Hyper InfusiO2n solutions may be used to supplement or replace attraction flows near passage entrances.
HI|Faivre Sarl|109282|BB2

Sponsored Spotlight 
SS HI|Calitri Technology|109275|SS1

FC12 fry counter from CALITRI TECHNOLOGY company

Original and best quality/price product, lower price compared other counting product that exist in the aquaculture field

12 counting channels
Fish size 0,5gr - 20gr
accuracy of 97%
counting capacity of 125000fry/hour
overcounting alarm
infra-red technology
plug and play technology - very easy maintenance

» Learn more here

Studying the elusive yellowfin

The spawning of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in captivity is a big deal. The milestone was reached in October 1996 and to this day, the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission’s research program represents the only sustained spawning of yellowfin tuna in captivity in the world. » Read more
HI|Reed Mariculture Inc.|109167|BB3

Ultrasound techniques and technology for salmonid culture

Though ultrasound units are not for every salmonid farm, any farm holding brood and producing eggs should consider what an ultrasound can do to up their bottom line and smooth their egg production. Ultrasound units do have a few uses other than sexing and breeding but nothing as impactful. » Read more

Understanding oxygen generators day-to-day

Maintaining the generating units is one of the most important tasks onsite, given their vital nature. Being proactive by having a good monitoring program and having vital spare parts on hand is the best way to minimize both downtime and maintenance costs. » Read more
More Headlines 
HI|Tropical Marine Centre Ltd.|109252|BB4

HI|Xelect Ltd|109185|BB5

World Aquaculture 2021

May 24-27, 2022
Mérida, Mexico
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AquaFarm 2022

May 25-27, 2022
Pordenone Fiere, Italy
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Blue Innovation Summit 2022

June 14-15, 2022
London, UK
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WAS North America & Aquaculture Canada 2022

Aug. 15-18, 2022
St. John’s, NL, Canada
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