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HI|High Volume Oxygen|111931|BB1

Improved fish health and profits by using Streptococcosis resistant tilapia: study

GenoMar Genetics Group participated in a newly published study that shows tilapia farmers made significantly additional profits using genetically-selected Streptococcosis resistant fingerlings in farming of Nile Tilapia.

Copepod eggs stored at 4ºC produces high hatching rates

Methods of culturing copepods got a boost from a study, which looked into hatching rates of eggs produced by aquaculture and stored at low temperatures with various levels of salinity. It was observed that A. sinjiensis eggs hatched under a relatively wide range of salinities and the hatching success rate of the eggs decreased with an increase in the cold storage period.

Landeldi and Benchmark Genetics extend cooperation

Since December 2020, Benchmark Genetics Iceland has provided Landeldi with over two million salmon ova. Recently, the two Icelandic companies signed a three-year extension where Benchmark continues to fulfill Landeldi’s needs for its ongoing expansion.
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HI|Xelect Ltd|109185|SS1

Learn about genetics with Xelect's 2 minute talks

Welcome to Xelect's new series of short educational videos: 2 Minute Talks. Genetics is a powerful tool for aquaculture, which is quickly becoming standard practice for major producers. We pride ourselves on combining cutting edge science with clear communication, and part of our mission is to help the wider industry understand the concepts and technology behind genetic programmes. In our first episode we explore what kind of gains you can get from a genetics programme. » Learn more

Temperature effects on Atlantic salmon performance and maturation in freshwater RAS

Environmental control in RAS has shown promising results for optimized growth and fish welfare, and continued research into RAS-specific maturation cues will likely facilitate development of standard operating procedures that minimize early maturation. » Read more

Feed the world

In the weeks since Russia launched attacks on Ukraine, the world has experienced political and economic upheaval. Gas prices are soaring, and many businesses have pulled out of Russia or halted operations in protest. It seems no industry is unaffected, even aquaculture, and feed firms are feeling the effects. » Read more

Sanctions jeopardize Russian salmon and trout production in the Atlantic

Fish farming in the Karelia Republic is in danger as the available stocks of feed is enough to maintain operation for only two months, said Vladimir Labinov, Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries of Karelia. » Read more
HI|Faivre Sarl|109282|BB2

HI top 10 under 40 webinar

WAS North America & Aquaculture Canada 2022

Aug. 15-18, 2022
St. John’s, NL, Canada
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Seagriculture USA 2022

Sept. 7-8, 2022
Portland, Maine, USA
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