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Provinces, territories refuse federal government's offer on health care funding

The federal government pulled billions of dollars off the negotiating table Monday after failing to reach a long-term health-care funding agreement with frustrated provincial and territorial health and finance ministers.

Active isolated stretching for low-back pain

While active isolated stretching can be an important tool for massage therapists in promoting injury prevention, performance enhancement and rehabilitation among clients, it also provides clients a means for implementing safe and effective self-care protocols. To put this into a functional perspective that readers can apply, let’s consider a pathology that massage therapists are called upon to address from time to time: low-back pain.

Customer service side of technology adoption

Your management software may provide all the capabilities you are wanting – online appointment bookings, schedule management, patient recordkeeping, patient billing, financial reporting – but you also need to look beyond the features to see what service and support offerings are included in the subscription cost so you will have peace of mind.
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Annex Bookstore

Business of Massage Therapy: Building a Successful Career

This is the premiere guide to managing a successful massage career and running a successful holistic business. Written by veteran massage therapist and holistic business coach Jessica Abegg (LMT, MBA, MSIB), this visual, hands-on book contains all the tools readers need. >> Learn More
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Featured News

Integrative medicine: A model for better health care

There is a growing trend toward inclusion of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) practitioners in traditionally western medicine settings. Registered massage therapists (RMTs) should be passionately interested in the development of integrative medicine, as it likely provides the most tangible platform in building credibility and approaching funding with government, insurers, gatekeeper health disciplines and the public/media. » Read more...

Elder Abuse Conference 2017

February 2, 2017
Location: MaRS Discovery District, 101 College Street, Toronto, ON » Learn More

CONNECT 2017: Connective Tissues in Sports Medicine

March 16-19, 2017
Location: University of Ulm – Germany » Learn More

5th International Fascia Research Congress

November 14, 2018
Location: Berlin, Germany » Learn More