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Future health-care providers get training on caring for Indigenous patients

The University of British Columbia is on mission to train future doctors, dentists and other health-care providers to treat Indigenous patients by learning about the pain inflicted by past Canadian policies.

Adults who eat healthy improve physical fitness in old age: study

People who have a healthier diet throughout their adult lives are more likely to be stronger and fitter in older age than those who don't, according to a new study led by the University of Southampton.

Practice Points: Spa massage an essential thread in massage therapy’s identity

In this episode of Practice Points, Don Dillon tackles the profession's seeming snobbery of massage therapy in spa settings, despite forming part of the profession's history and evolution.
Annex Bookstore

Deep Tissue Massage Treatment, 2nd Ed.

This significantly revised edition features an easy-to-use format that provides basic theory and assessment of neuromuscular conditions followed by an extensive overview of techniques specific to deep tissue massage, including trigger point therapy, friction techniques, myofascial techniques, and stretching.

Step-by-step treatment routines for the 22 most commonly encountered neuromuscular conditions are clearly outlined using detailed descriptions and illustrations side-by-side. Downloadable assessment forms and 90-minutes of video on proper deep tissue massage techniques are included on the companion Evolve website. >> Order Now!
Featured Story 

Dryden: Time for 'Game Change' when it comes to hockey, hits to head

Ken Dryden never met Steve Montador. But after hearing of the death of the NHL veteran defenceman at just 35, he wanted to know how and why."Game Change" is the result. Subtitled, "The Life and Death of Steve Montador and the Future of Hockey," the book documents what Dryden learned. He brings the reader to a place where he can ask what can be done to prevent the type of brain trauma that Montador suffered. Dryden has his suggestions. » Read more...

5th International Fascia Research Congress

November 14-15, 2018
Location: Berlin, Germany
» Learn More