FortisBC's energy efficiency programs hit the nail on the head!
From food products, to pulp and paper and yes, even nails, BC's manufacturing industry is diverse. But regardless of the product, we know you want to save energy, increase production and reduce bottlenecks and costs. Andrew, FortisBC's industrial program manager, can help. Just ask Delta's Tree Island Steel. They worked with Andrew to upgrade their steam boilers to high efficiency and received a $50,000 rebate.
If your industrial facility consumes natural gas for process-related activities, find out how our industrial programs can help you. Don't know where to start? We'll work with you every step of the way, from funding and facilitating engineering audits, to helping you implement rebate-eligible energy-efficiency equipment upgrades.
To learn more call, email or visit our website.
That's energy at work.

Andrew, FortisBC's Conservation and Energy Management industrial program manager, helped Tree Island Steel upgrade to high-efficiency natural gas steam boilers qualifying them for a $50,000 rebate.
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