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It takes years to be a champion.
All you need is a couple of hours.

The print landscape dramatically changed with the introduction of the RICOH Pro C7100X Series. Now, your business can too.

You’re invited to take part in a one-of-a-kind, interactive workshop designed to educate you on how to leverage the capabilities of the RICOH Pro C7100X Series to create new business opportunities, increase revenue, sell more and offer more value to your customers.

Clear. White. Oversized. Strategize exciting revenue potential with these powerful new applications that will set your business apart and label you a Game Changer.

Don’t miss out, Click Here to Register Today!
RICOH Pro C7100X Series “Be a Game Changer” Workshop

Date: Tuesday Dec 6, 2016 OR Wednesday Dec 7, 201
Time: 10:00am – 1:00pm
Location: Ricoh Nova Scotia Office 103-238 Brownlow Ave. Dartmouth, NS.
Click here to register
Annex Business Media 222 Edward Street, Aurora ON, L4G 1W6
