Printing Expert!,
Fujifilm recently launched a new dedicated flatbed printer designed for today's production environment--the Acuity Prime series. Now, you'll be able to see it live and running in Fujifilm's booth #N825 at PRINTING United Expo next month in Las Vegas.
A true flatbed with a unique, exceptional design and high value, the Acuity Prime offers high quality printing on a wide range of rigid and flexible media, supported by its five dedicated vacuum zones and jettable primer. This range is available at a cost effective price point and offers an excellent return on investment.
- High quality printing on a range of creative applications including flexible & rigid media
- Powerful vacuum table holding media firmly in place
- Media loading pins that makes print registration accurate from one sheet to the next
- Efficient LED UV lamp system allowing print on heat sensitive materials
- Fueled by the best LED UV ink on the market developed by Fujifilm*
Create it all with Acuity Prime Series & Uvijet HM Inks
The All-in-One Flatbed Printer
In less than two minutes you can see the new Acuity Prime in action with its special unique features by clicking on the link above.
See it in-person at PRINTING United Expo!
Want a free PRINTING United Expo pass to see our innovations in action? Click on the banner above and enter promo code: 7922.
PRINTING United Expo
October 19-21, 2022
Las Vegas Convention Center
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
*Strong Environmental Performance
The Fujifilm Uvijet HM inks are UL GREENGUARD certified, compliant with strict environmental testing and free from ozone-depleting chemicals, aromatic hydrocarbons and harmful volatile solvents.
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