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A message from our sponsor
Less Bugs. More Spuds
Maximize quality and yield with early-season insect control. Getting potatoes off to a healthy start is critical to a successful finish. That's where Titan® comes into play. It's the seed-piece insecticide that delivers superior, longer-lasting control of major aboveground pests like aphids, Colorado potato beetles, flea beetles and leafhoppers. And in addition to providing the broadest spectrum of protection available, Titan also helps reduce wireworm damage. So go big. Go with Titan.
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Bank water with Stockosorb
Eco+ is proud to present an eco-friendly product that helps you deal with the whims of mother nature. Stockosorb will allow you to bank excess water from rainfall to use it later on when your potatoes need it. This product will help you obtain better yield by optimizing the use of your precious water.

See for yourself and try Stockosorb today! Check out our website or give us a call!
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Level up your foliar fungicide.
New Miravis® Duo fungicide from Syngenta raises the bar for potato foliar fungicides. Miravis® Duo delivers excellent value by helping growers proactively protect yield and quality from multiple costly diseases – including early blight, brown spot, Botrytis grey mould and white mould – all at once.

Protect yield and quality in your next crop with
Miravis® Duo.
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FCC is Canada's leading agriculture and food lender, with a healthy loan portfolio of more than $41 billion. Our employees are dedicated to the future of Canadian agriculture and food. We provide flexible, competitively priced financing, management software, information and knowledge specifically designed for the agriculture and food industry. As a self-sustaining Crown corporation, we provide an appropriate return to our shareholder, and reinvest our profits back into the industry and communities we serve. For more information, visit
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Help protect your yield with Bayer crop protection products
Individually, Emesto® Silver fungicide seed-piece treatment, Velum® Prime nematicide and new vayego® insecticide are three effective tools to protect your potato crop. When used together, they’re an unbeatable combination that helps you get the most out of your masterpiece.
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Potato storage and processing
Tolsma provides the highest quality, most energy efficient storage, processing and packaging technology to the world’s best agricultural entrepreneurs.

Concept-oriented solutions

Tolsma-Grisnich provides their customers with smart, innovative and concept oriented solutions. Tolsma-Grisnich’s high-quality custom solutions and intensive process support provides customers with complete peace of mind and guarantees the highest possible return.

Helping you deliver the perfect potato that feed the world.
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Unlock your crop Data
In addition to our fertility products, we combine traditional petiole sampling methods with our innovative data platform, NutriAnalytics™, to make accurate potato fertility recommendations.

Our localized, cultivar-specific potato models analyze the balance between required nutrients and provide the appropriate solution. These solutions include our technology-activated foliar and soil-applied micronutrients, along with our liquid micronutrient coating products.

Whether you are striving for earlier row closure or tuber bulking, we have you covered.
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