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Get protection that lasts with
new vayego
Vayego® insecticide, is a new, second generation diamide that provides excellent knockdown, control and preventive protection from key potato insects, including Colorado potato beetle (both larvae and adult stages), European corn borer, potato flea beetle and suppression of aphids. Vayego also offers long-lasting residual control of these pests which can mean fewer applications throughout the season.

In consideration of what insecticide was used on your potatoes at planting, vayego, a Group 28 insecticide, is an excellent choice to help manage resistance and is an important part of an IPM program.

With vayego, making your mark is as easy as applying it.
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Bayer logo   Always read and follow label directions. Bayer, Bayer Cross and vayego® are trademarks of the Bayer Group. Bayer CropScience Inc. is a member of CropLife Canada. ©2021 Bayer Group. All rights reserved.

#130, 160 Quarry Park Blvd. SE
Calgary, AB T2C 3G3
T. 1 888-283-6847

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