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Field establishment is critical to growing a great crop of potatoes. There are two ways establishment can be hindered – pests that come in on the seed or ones waiting in the soil. There are also two critical opportunities to manage early season pathogens – on the seed and in the furrow. Cruiser Maxx® Potato Extreme or Vibrance® Ultra Potato are effective tools to control seed-borne disease. In the soil, both Elatus® and Orondis® Gold Potato target pesky soil-borne disease issues.
What is Vibrance Ultra Potato?
Vibrance Ultra Potato is an excellent fit for growers seeking a broad-spectrum, fungicide-only liquid seed treatment solution.

When applied at 32 mL/100 kg of seed, Vibrance Ultra Potato:
  • Controls seed-borne Rhizoctonia, silver scurf and dry rot
  • Provides preventive control of seed-borne late blight
  • Suppresses pink rot
How to use Vibrance Ultra Potato?
Coverage is key:
  • Choose the optimal slurry volume for your seed and conditions.
  • Use the blue dye to determine coverage quality.
  • Check out the best management practices here.
What is Elatus® fungicide?
Elatus® fungicide applied at planting brings two modes of action against yield-robbing soil-borne diseases and improves tuber and skin quality.

In a 2019 grower trial on Prince Edward Island, Elatus® fungicide improved both quality and marketable yield compared to a commercial standard treatment. Elatus® performed in tough conditions including in fields with high Rhizoctonia pressure and in highly susceptible varieties.
Source: Grower trial conducted on PEI in 2019.
What can we do about storage rots in 2023?
An increasing number of growers have started using Orondis Gold Potato to protect their storages from pink rot and Pythium leak. Why? Orondis Gold Potato applied at the common rate of 40 ac/case has proven to be the only product available with consistent activity against both rot and leak. With an in-furrow application, protection is provided right at the start, especially in those notoriously susceptible varieties.
Interested in optimizing your in-furrow kit?
Check out these quick tips here
What about early season insects?
Actara® 240SC insecticide is the only Group 4 registered for seed treatment, in-furrow or foliar application, providing you with the flexibility to choose what’s right for your farm. Click here for more information on how to use Actara 240SC.
Learn More
For more information, visit Syngenta.ca, contact our Customer Interaction Centre at 1-87-SYNGENTA (1-877-964-3682) or follow @SyngentaCanada on Twitter.

Please check with your processor or packer prior to using Orondis Gold Potato and Vibrance Ultra Potato on potatoes destined for use outside of Canada. At time of distribution, Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) had been established for the active ingredients difenoconazole, mandipropamid and oxathiapiprolin for export markets in the United States, Japan and Korea, Please see the Bryant Christie Inc. Global MRL database at https://www.globalmrl.com/db#query for a complete list of MRLs. Should you need additional information on export market MRLs, please consult with Syngenta to receive the most up-to-date information.

Performance evaluations are based on internal trials, field observations and/or public information. Data from multiple locations and years should be consulted whenever possible. Individual results may vary depending on local growing, soil, and weather conditions. Always read and follow label directions.

Always read and follow label directions. Elatus® is a co-pack of Elatus® A and Elatus® B fungicides. Orondis Gold Potato is an in-furrow application of Orondis Gold A 200SC and Orondis Gold B 480SL. Actara®, Cruiser Maxx®, Elatus®, Orondis®, Vibrance® and the Syngenta logo are trademarks of a Syngenta Group Company. Other trademarks are property of their respective owners. © 2023 Syngenta.

Syngenta Canada Inc.
140 Research Lane, Research Park
Guelph, Ontario N1G 4Z3
1-87-SYNGENTA / 1-877-964-3682
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