Cologne’s Ford engine plant shut down a number of times in one year due to defective cooling units. As a result, Ford immediately accepted Rittal’s offer to carry out a manufacturer-independent inventory of all the cooling units and to identify potential energy savings. The analysis by Rittal’s service specialists showed the urgent need to repair and replace 11% of the cooling units installed. In addition, Rittal drew up a comprehensive energy efficiency calculation, which resulted in savings of more than half a million euros within 10 years, with a payback period of just 2.4 years for the investment in the new cooling units.
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EXAIR's Super Air Knife™ dramatically reduces compressed air usage and noise when compared to other blowoffs. It offers a more efficient way to clean, dry or cool parts, webs or conveyors and delivers a uniform sheet of laminar airflow across the entire length.
Noisy blowoffs become a whisper when replaced with the Super Air Knife. Even at high pressures of 80 PSIG, the sound level is surprisingly quiet at 69dBA for most applications! Air amplification ratios of 40:1 are produced. Watch our Super Air Knife in action.
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