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FEATURED NEWS: Rethinking delivery
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Pizza festival will mark Vaughan, Ont.'s 25th

A pizzeria operator has organized a three-day public pizza festival, complete with a pizza-eating contest, to celebrate Vaughan, Ont.’s 25th birthday in July. The Vaughan Citizen reports. >> Read full article

Mail disruption feared as Canada Post lockout looms

Canadian businesses might need to start making alternative arrangements to snail mail and Canada Post parcel delivery as the prospect of a July shutdown of national postal services looms. Business in Vancouver reports. >> Read full article

Wood-burning stoves may harm environment, study suggests

A recent study using Sao Paulo, Brazil, as a case study suggests emissions caused by restaurants using wood burning ovens may damage the urban environment. >> Read full article

 Sponsor’s Message 
Pizza Show

Attention Napoletana virtuosos, young pizzaiolos and ace box-folders

Spots in the Chef of the Year Open division filled up fast, but there is room in the Napoletana division. Remember, it’s a loose Napoletana style we are looking for – so you don’t have to be certified. Check out the rules and try your hand: one of 12 Napoletana competitors will compete in Las Vegas. Are you a younger chef looking to get competitive experience? You could be named Junior Chef of the Year. Are you the fastest pizza box folder on your team? The Great Pizza Box Fold-Off could give you Canada-wide bragging rights!


The Canadian Pizza Show is where PIZZA PASSION meets PIZZA PROFIT! It’s the ONLY trade show in CANADA dedicated to the art and business of making fresh PIZZA!

  • Are you a pizzeria owner or employee? Attend!
  • Are you thinking of opening your own pizzeria or pizza franchise? Attend!
  • Are you a foodservice or catering owner or employee who has a focus on pizza? Attend!

  • 30+ exhibitors specializing in the pizza industry!
  • 3 exciting competitions!
  • 1 power marketing panel that is banking on making you more bank!
  • 12,800 square feet of show space that’s all about pizza!
  • Menu ideas, time with peers, team-building opportunities!

    Brought to you by Canadian Pizza magazine, the voice of the Canadian independent pizzeria!>> Register Today
  •  Featured News 
    Rethinking delivery

    Rethinking delivery

    Technology has turned the act of delivery into the art of logistics, raising a question: if pizzeria operators are still delivering direct to consumer, are they still adding value? Michelle Brisebois surveys the evolving landscape of food delivery in the June issue of Canadian Pizza. >> Learn More…

     Event Calendar 

    George Brown College pizza workshop

    July 6, 2016
    Location: Centre for Hospitality and Culinary Arts, George Brown College, Toronto >> More Info

    Roman pizza-making course

    June 12-13, 2016
    Location: School of Italian Pizza, 815 Alness Street, Toronto >> More Info

    Canadian Pizza Show

    October 17, 2016
    Location: The International Centre, Mississauga, Ont. >> More Info