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FEATURED NEWS: Calling all pizza makers! Register to compete
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Cash transactions to drop 70% by 2030 in Canada: survey

By 2030, cash purchases will make up only 10 per cent of money spent in Canada, predicts a survey by credit and debit card processor Moneris Solutions Corporation. >> Read full article

From the editor: Consistent isn’t boring

Consistency is something chains are known for but on which all pizzerias can stand to improve. We’re not talking about the way your sauce holds together – although that’s part of the mix – but about the uniformity and dependability of your pizza and your service. In the latest issue of Canadian Pizza, editor Colleen Cross looks at why the same old thing isn’t necessarily a bad thing. >> Read full article

Friends with Down syndrome dominate the Argentina pizza market

Four friends with Down syndrome have parlayed their interest in baking, pastry making and serving into a successful pizza service in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The Catholic News Agency reports. >> Read full article

 Sponsor’s Message 
Pizza Show

Taste and talk pizza!

Hungry for new flavour combinations and marketing ideas to make you more money? Come taste and talk pizza all day long at the Canadian Pizza Show.

The Canadian Pizza Show is where PIZZA PASSION meets PIZZA PROFIT! It’s the ONLY trade show in CANADA dedicated to the art and business of making fresh PIZZA!

  • Are you a pizzeria owner or employee? Attend!
  • Are you thinking of opening your own pizzeria or pizza franchise? Attend!
  • Are you a foodservice or catering owner or employee who has a focus on pizza? Attend!
  • 40+ exhibitors specializing in the pizza industry!
  • Exciting competitions!
  • 1 power marketing panel banking on making you more bank!
  • 12,800 square feet of show space that’s all about pizza!
  • Menu ideas, face time with other operators and their staff, team-building opportunities!
Brought to you by Canadian Pizza magazine, the voice of the Canadian independent pizzeria! >> Register Today
 Featured News 
Feature News

Calling all pizza makers! Register to compete

The Canadian Pizza Show is for everyone involved in the Canadian fresh pizza industry: owners, managers, prep people, chefs, pizza makers, servers, front counter people and delivery staff in both independent and franchise pizzerias. To celebrate, we are opening up additional spots in our Chef of the Year competition! Interested pizza makers need to act fast . . . >> Learn More…

 Event Calendar 

YYC Pizza Week

September 23-October 2, 2016
Location: Participating pizzerias, Calgary >> More Info

Bread-making course

October 2, 2016
Location: School of Italian Pizza, 815 Alness Street, Toronto >> More Info

Canada's Gluten-Free Market

October 16, 2016
Location: Burlington, Ont. >> More Info

Canadian Pizza Show

October 17, 2016
Location: The International Centre, Mississauga, Ont. >> More Info