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Pizza Pizza partners with Chudleigh's on apple pie

Pizza Pizza is now selling Chudleigh’s Apple Crumble Pie and other signature desserts to complement its pizza menu.

‘Mindful Choices’ tops food and drink trends for 2018

Consumers want to know and understand the ingredient list of the food and drinks they choose, says a new report from Innova Market Insights.

Windsor pizzeria buys naming rights to sports centre

Capri Pizzeria has cooked up a $160,000 deal with the City of Windsor for naming rights to the South Windsor Recreation Complex. CBC News reports.
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Annex Bookstore

Viva la Pizza!

Since the origins of to-go pizza, pizzerias and pizza chains have taken great pride in covering take-out boxes with captivating designs. They've also wrestled with the best way to manufacture a box that can keep a pizza both hot and stable.

Here the world's expert on pizza boxes collects 100 weird and wild box designs and explores the curious history of the pizza box. Included are international designs, corporate designs, and dozens of quirky images produced by and for mom-and-pop pizzerias.

Scott Wiener has been collecting and cataloging pizza boxes for 10 years. In Viva La Pizza!—named after a popular box design—Wiener traces design trends over the past four decades and speaks to some of the world's most prolific box designers. >> Order Now!
Featured News 

Managing traffic and sales

The flow of traffic and sales is difficult to predict in the food industry. In the latest issue of Canadian Pizza, Giorgio Taverniti explains how being proactive about the payables going out and managing the customers coming in can gain you some peace of mind. » Read more

Montreal Franchise Show

January 13-14, 2018
Location: Montreal, Que.
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Restaurants Canada Show

February 25-27, 2018
Location: Toronto, Ont.
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International Pizza Expo

March 20-22, 2018
Location: Las Vegas, Nev.
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