A Message From Our Partner

Fish feed can be tricky, and the aquaculture industry continues to tirelessly work on finding the best, well-rounded and nutritious feeds for fish, especially those in a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS). Join our RAS feed experts during the RASTECH 2022 Conference and Trade Fair’s ‘RAS Feed & Nutrition Management’ session, which will look into today’s major feed trends, how these trends can potentially change in the future, how specific feed ingredients can affect a fish’s health, the essentials of RAS feeds, the barriers for growth as well as the opportunities for more sustainable, RAS-friendly fish nutrition, and common RAS feed challenges and solutions.

Register today to join the conversation live, on March 30th in Hilton Head, South Carolina.

Session: RAS Feed & Nutrition Management

Jason Mann

Director of Nutrition, Riverence Trout Farms
Session Chair

David Kuhn

Associate Professor of Food Science Technology, Virginia Tech

Craig Browdy

Director of Research and Development, Zeigler Brothers Inc.

David Brock

Nutritionist for the Aquaculture Feeds Division, Rangen

Mikkel Detz Jensen

RAS Specialist, BioMar

Steven Backman

Product Manager/ Veterinarian, Skretting