The Kingfish Company is making its way to the USA with its Kingfish Maine recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) facility. The operation will be located in Jonesport, Maine, and will look to establish a significant local sustainable seafood production for U.S. retailers and food service.

Join us as we welcome Kingfish Maine operations manager, Megan Sorby, a recipient of the Hatchery International 2021 Top 10 Under 40 Program, who will open the RASTECH 2022 Conference with her keynote presentation. Sorby will look to give attendees a technical overview of the Kingfish Maine operation, discuss the technologies to be incorporated in the facility, the operating strategy and expected challenges to be faced, training staff and ensuring they are equipped for success, and more. Audience members can look forward to hearing about the Kingfish Maine project, from an operator’s point-of-view, during this opening keynote.