A Message From Our Partner

In 2021, the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) received a US$10 million grant to carry out a set of aquaculture-focused projects. Led by Professor Yonathan Zohar, the Sustainable Aquaculture Systems Supporting Atlantic Salmon (SAS2) project, which is part of the Recirculating Aquaculture Salmon Network (RAS-N) project also led by Zohar, will address a range of challenges still hindering the success of emerging aquaculture platforms, and includes many academic and federal research institutes. Be sure to join Zohar, and Virginia Tech Professor David Kuhn, who will look into important areas of research currently being studied through the SAS2 project, as well as at various educational institutes, to further develop the sector’s knowledge and understanding of RAS.

Register today to join the conversation live, on March 31th in Hilton Head, South Carolina.

Session: RAS Research & Findings

Yonathan Zohar

Session Chair & Speaker
Professor and Chair of the Department of Marine Biotechnology at the Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology, University of Maryland and Head of its Aquaculture Research Center

David Kuhn

Session Chair & Speaker
Associate Professor of Food Science Technology, Virginia Tech

Matt Craze

Founder of Spheric Research