Are you looking for ways to optimize feeding at your RAS system? At SPAROS, we understand that every production setting has its unique requirements, and it takes expertise to meet them, that's why we've developed a set of nutritional digital tools:

FiT feeding tablesTM allows you to customize feeding tables based on your historic production data and our expertise in fish energy and protein requirements. You can automate the daily feed quantity to deliver at each tank and decrease feed conversion ratio (FCR) while maintaining growth.

With FEEDNETICSTM, you can evaluate different feeding regimes and benchmark different feeds regarding fish performance, water quality, body composition in fatty acids, and quantify savings on feed, taking into consideration your specific production conditions before field implementation.

By using SPAROS' nutritional digital tools, you can experience improved overall performance of your RAS system. To learn more check our use case to evaluate the impact of different RAS feeds on overall smolt performance or meet with us.

Área Empresarial de Marim, Lote C. 8700-221 Olhão, Portugal
Phone: + 351 289 435 145 (Portuguese National landline network call)
SPAROS Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/sparos/