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A message from our sponsor

The InstroTek PaveScan Powered by GSSI Technology is the first non-nuclear rolling density system that provides real-time compaction and density data for the entire paving project. Proper compaction is the most important factor in producing long-lasting pavements. The PaveScan uses multiple sensors to continuously scan the entire pavement and provide a density profile of the entire paving project. The operator pushes the cart along the lane and gathers density data behind the asphalt rollers. The onboard computer displays density, compaction, a line graph, and a contour map of the measurements. This information is used by contractors and pavement engineers to assess the quality of the pavement.

With PaveScan, the possibility of zero coring is within reach. Many pavement failures including potholes start at and around the coring location. This technology has the potential to drastically reduce if not eliminate the need for field cores, saving thousands on coring operations, reduction in traffic delays, and improving work zone safety.

Benefits and Features
  • Non-nuclear technology
  • Accommodates up to 3 sensors for full pavement and joint coverage
  • Complete density map of entire pavement project; not single-point measurements
  • The most accurate and precise method of measuring asphalt joint density
  • Optional GPS receiver and built-in pole adaptor
  • Graphic display of data with line graph, contour map, or histogram distribution
  • Rugged modular assembly; Deploys in minutes
  • Foldable deployment arms with high visibility for work zone safety
  • Easily charge and exchange batteries

Hoskin Scientific Ltd.
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