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A Message from our sponsor
Powering the Path forward
for our Security Customers.
Since the merger of Wesco and Anixter, we continue to leverage our combined services, products, and collective know-how to serve you better. Leading this joint effort for our Canadian Communications & Security Solutions (CSS) division is Gary Mistak, a long-term Anixter team member. Gary’s vast 35 years of experience has helped shape and transform the business to what it is today. And as commercial markets, technology, and consumer demands continue to evolve, we are striving to deliver new and relevant cutting-edge solutions to the markets we serve. We are investing heavily into our security branch business operations in order to accommodate these ever-changing dynamics and improve your experience. We are reviewing the geographies we support and where it will benefit our customers, and we will consolidate legacy Wesco and Anixter facilities to ultimately offer expanded product choices and services. From increasing on-shelf inventory availability based on local demands, to complete updates of branch branding and merchandising, we are excited about these changes that will enhance and streamline your Wesco experience.
Anixter is now part of Wesco
You drive productivity and progress. We power the path forward. As a leading global supply chain solutions provider, we use inspiration to drive innovation. Every day we seek out opportunity in the unexpected to deliver creative approaches that help build, connect, power and protect our world.

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