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Herbicide Survey

Ontario farmer earns Pollinator Conservation Award

The Canadian Federation of Agriculture, the Canadian Forage and Grassland Association and Pollinator Partnership have announced Antony John as the winner of the 2017 Canadian Farmer-Rancher Pollinator Conservation Award.

Getting started on farm transition planning

One of the toughest challenges for young farmers is the uncertainty around what the plan is for the family farm in the future and how they fit into that plan.

Niagara College to offer post-grad training in cannabis production

Those interested in producing commercial cannabis or hemp will be able to get college-certified starting next year.
sponsored spotlight 

AGROTAIN® PLUS nitrogen stabilizer

AGROTAIN® PLUS nitrogen stabilizer contains the premier urease enzyme inhibitor technology and a proven nitrification inhibitor that protects nitrogen from ammonia volatilization, denitrification and nitrate leaching. Featuring two modes of action, it can be combined with UAN to protect against all three forms of nitrogen loss. >> Learn more
Current Issue 
Feature 1

Leasing verses buying: What is the better financial decision?

While leasing is not a fit for all farms or farmers, it can offer key advantages in some situations. With large dollars and major tax implications hanging in the balance, farmers need to take the time to carefully weigh financing options for any and every acquisition of farm equipment. » Read more...
Feature 2

Discussing the long-term effects of invasive weeds

Invasive plant species can pose a serious problem for farmers. The lack of native competitors or predator species often allows invaders to spread virtually unchecked, so a minor challenge can quickly become a major problem facing farmers across a large area. » Read more...

2018 Herbicide Resistance Summit

February 27-28
Saskatoon, Sask.
» Learn more

Agricultural Excellence Conference

November 21-23
Location: Ottawa, Ont.
» Learn More