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Farm & Food Care launches Real Dirt on Farming photo contest

Winning photos may be used by the organization in the upcoming sixth edition of The Real Dirt on Farming, a publication that answers common questions about food and farming practices in Canada.

New fall-application registration for extended-control herbicides

FMC’s Authority 480 herbicide, Authority Supreme herbicide and PrecisionPac SZ-75 herbicide are now registered for fall application.

The Top Crop Summit starts tomorrow!

Join us in Saskatoon on Wednesday and Thursday (Feb. 22 and 23) for the latest research and agronomy insights you need to get the 2023 season off to a strong start.

Inputs: The Podcast 

Looking at PSbMV on the Prairies

Pea seed-borne mosaic virus (PSbMV), first identified in Canadian field pea breeding lines in 1974, is an economically damaging pathogen affecting pulse crops, including field pea, lentils and fababeans. Its symptoms on pulses include mosaicked leaves, delayed or uneven crop maturation, and various forms of seed and pod deformation.

Dr. Sean Prager, entomologist and associate professor in the department of plant sciences at the University of Saskatchewan. Prager runs a lab that focuses (mainly) on insect ecology and management, and is involved with a project looking at pea aphids as a vector of infection for PSbMV.

In this episode, Prager speaks with Inputs co-host Dylan Sjolie about what PSbMV is and how to recognize it in pulse crops, management options, and the recently funded PSbMV project with which he’s involved. » Listen now...

Early season soybean management

For soybean growers in Manitoba, advancements in genetics and early season management are improving the success of short-season soybean crop production. However, soybeans are an inherently cold-sensitive, long season crop and frosts and cold damage at seeding continue to be a risk. Researchers are looking at effective early season management practices to improve soybean production in short-season areas. » Read more...

Economic optimum soybean plant density for irrigated soybean

In southern Alberta, the development of very early maturing varieties in the MG 00 and MG 000 maturity groupings made soybean production under irrigation possible. But very little research had been conducted on target plant populations and row spacing in Alberta’s cool climate.  AAFC research scientist Francis Larney and MSc student Tram Thai conducted two studies on soybeans in these conditions. » Read more...
Sponsored Content 

Find out how to stay a step ahead of weed resistance in the corn field with agronomist expertise

Weed resistance is something that should always be taken into consideration for crop planning every year. With a rise in glyphosate-resistant weeds, it's important to plan a diverse weed management strategy to stay a step ahead. Adam Pfeffer, with Bayer, shares two options to ensure that farmers are equipped with the best tools and choices for managing weeds to maximize their corn yields in 2023. » Read about them here.
