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OMAFRA: Crop conditions, April 20

The weather was unseasonably warm late in mid-April, but with a return to more typical temperatures, crop development is expected to slow and staging should become more normal for the time of year.

Cereal crops have estimated $68.8B impact on economy

A study conducted on behalf of Cereals Canada shows Canadian-grown cereals had an estimated total impact of $68.8 billion, including more than 370,000 Canadian jobs and $27 billion in wages.

Podcast: Corn season preparations and strip-till fertility trials

Ben Rosser, OMAFRA corn specialist, recaps the 2022 corn season, shares some things to watch for in the coming season, and discusses a corn strip-till fertility trial going on at the University of Guelph.

Sponsored Spotlight 

Take corn disease control to the next level.

Up the ante in the battle against disease with new Veltyma® DLX fungicide. It contains Revysol® technology for broader, stronger and longer protection against key corn leaf and ear diseases. Veltyma DLX also includes Plant Health Benefits1 to provide better management of minor stress, better standability, increased growth efficiency and greener leaves.2 With multiple modes of action, it improves disease control and resistance management; plus, reduces deoxynivalenol (DON) to preserve grain quality.

1-Plant Health Benefits refer to products containing the active ingredient pyraclostrobin.
2-All comparisons are to untreated unless otherwise stated.

Always read and follow label directions.
REVYSOL and VELTYMA are registered trademarks of BASF, used under license by BASF Canada Inc. VELTYMA DLX fungicide should be used in a preventative disease control program. © 2023 BASF Canada Inc.

» Learn more at agsolutions.ca/VeltymaDLX

Economic value of diversified cropping systems

Diversifying crop rotations is recommended for many reasons, including serious crop diseases and herbicide-tolerant weeds. However, highly profitable crops and short-term economics makes shorter rotations tempting. Researchers are working on a decision-making tool that will help producers consider the impact of crop rotations on disease pressure, yields and economic returns. » Read more...

Weathering the weather

Oat growers can be challenged to achieve milling quality because of harvest delays and field variability that impact grain quality and test weight. Timely harvest is key, but the longer the crop has to stand in the fall, the greater the chance for lodging, shattering and deterioration of grain quality. When the going gets tough, which oat variety toughs it out? » Read more...