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Take Advantage of a Growing Opportunity
Advance payments up to $1 million in as little as 3-5 business days*
Need cash flow to help you grow? Western Canadian producers can apply for low interest cash advances on over 50 commodities, including all major crops, livestock and honey.
• Easy online application for up to $1 million in cash advances
• The first $100,000 is interest-free
• The remainder is at TD prime minus 0.75%
Talk to a friendly and knowledgeable FarmCash account manager today about how you can improve your cash flow management and long-term profitability. More than a short-term loan, FarmCash is a flexible cash flow management tool that you can use in the growing season to mitigate the risk of unexpected weather, operating costs and bills, or to make timely investments in your operation. Created by producers for producers, FarmCash is free to apply for with our simple online application.

Visit FarmCashAdvance.com or call 1.855.376.2274 to learn more.
Fall Applications Open Now
*Based on the submission of a completed application.

The Advance Payments Program is a federal loan program administered by the Alberta Wheat Commission.
It offers Canadian farmers marketing flexibility through interest-free and low interest cash advances.
Apply Now