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Capture added value from FieldView by utilizing Field Health Imagery and Scouting Tools.
See it. Solve it.
Smarter Scouting
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The FieldView Scouting tool helps detect potential problem areas in your field such as weed and disease issues to help you decide which field should be visited first. Once in the field, use pins and notes to keep track of everything you are seeing and easily share the information with your agronomist.

These features give you more power to see, understand and manage what’s going on in your fields anytime, anywhere – all with the touch of a screen.

Shaking Hands
Top tools for teamwork
FieldView makes it fast and easy for farm teams to connect, collaborate and respond quickly to both challenges and opportunities – getting the job done right with optimized efficiency and results.

With FieldView, you can simply share a field or multiple fields with your agronomist, giving them the opportunity to view your satellite images, drop pins, make notes and take pictures for you. Giving you the ability to see exactly what is going on, without ever setting foot in the field.
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Leading-edge Field Health Imagery
FieldView delivers high-quality satellite imagery that gives farmers a powerful, easy-to-scan, snap shot of the field health status. This allows farmers to quickly monitor crop progress, save time by prioritizing scouting and take action to protect against yield-robbing weeds, diseases or pests.

There are three image categories provided that together help farmers decide what field needs attention first:
Vegetation Image – Generated using the Climate Crop Index (CCI) which calculates green vegetative biomass.

Scouting Image – Helps farmers quickly identify field areas recommended for scouting by showing variability identified within the Vegetation Image.

True Color Image – Shows farmers a real-world field view that brings to life the comparison with Vegetation and Scouting images while further helping to identify any challenges that need attention.
Get insights on how to utilize this tool here.
Scout with Ease
With Field Health Imagery helping identify areas that need attention, farmers can mark and share information about these hot spots on FieldView using pins and notes.

Farmers can add scouting pins, field notes or photos directly on the FieldView maps shared among the farm team – helping the farmer, agronomist, farming partner or crop advisor identify, assess and respond to potential issues.
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  Services and products offered by Climate LLC are subject to the customer agreeing to our Terms of Service. Our services provide estimates or recommendations based on models. These do not guarantee results. Consult with your agronomist, commodity broker, or other industry professional before making financial, farming, or risk management decisions. More information at https://climatefieldview.ca/legal/disclaimer. FieldView™ is a trademark of Climate LLC, Bayer CropScience Inc. licensee. ©2022 Bayer Group. All rights reserved.