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Inspiring women tackle challenges of feeding the future

One quality many women in aquaculture share: they are not shrinking from challenges. Aquaculture North America spoke with three leaders who are using science, new ideas, and partnerships to address some of the toughest ones.

Opinion: Government report on BC aquaculture ‘pretty much old news’

The State of Salmon Aquaculture Technologies Report offers no solutions to long-standing problems of land-based farming, writes seafood industry veteran.

B.C.’s Northern Divine selling RAS farm

The founder of Northern Divine Aquafarms in Sechelt, B.C. is close to retirement, and he is looking to hand over the keys to his vertically integrated salmon RAS farm to a new operator.
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Brown Trout: Biology, Ecology and Management

The brown trout is an iconic species across its natural European distribution and has been introduced throughout the World. Brown Trout: Biology, Ecology and Management offers a comprehensive review of the scientific information and current research on this major fish species. While the brown trout is the most sought species by anglers, its introduction to various waters around the world is causing serious environmental problems. At the same time, introduction of exogenous brown trout lineages threatens conservation of native gene pools of populations in many regions. The authors summarize the important aspects of the brown trout’s life history and ecology and focus on the impact caused by the species. The text explores potential management strategies in order to maintain numerous damaged populations within its natural distributional range and to ameliorate its impacts in exotic environments. Learn More
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Antibiotic use in fish farms poses threat to humans, study says

Massive and inappropriate use of antibiotics to treat or prevent disease in farmed fish fosters the development of resistant bacteria that have the potential of harming humans, according to a recent study. » Read more

Aquaculture can help fill Omega-3 supply gap

Aquaculture is a major consumer of EPA and DHA but it could also help fill the supply gap in these fatty acids caused by dwindling fish stocks and a growing population, suggests a new study. » Read more

Breeding tomorrow’s aquaculture workforce

The Northern Aquaculture Demonstration Facility at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point serves as both a center for research and a training facility for the next generation of workers in the sector. » Read more
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RAStech 2020

November 16 - 17, 2020
Location: South Carolina, U.S.A.
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