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Canada launches new round of public feedback on proposed Aquaculture Act

The Government of Canada has launched a new round of public consultation on the proposed and first-ever Aquaculture Act in Canada.

Aquaculture tech firms among grant recipients in latest NOAA funding

The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has awarded $3.1 million in grants to 21 small businesses from 14 states to support the development of innovative technology for aquaculture, commercial and recreational fisheries, weather prediction, earth and ocean observations and modeling.
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Promote the Well-being of the Fish with Proper Oxygenation

Optimizing and controlling the oxygen levels is vital for the welfare of the fishes. Too much oxygen is harmful, but proper oxygenation ensures healthy fish growth and optimizes feed efficiency.
Kytola Instruments has been serving our customers over 100 years. Our ISO certified and CRN approved products are manufactured in Finland, with a solid expertise of custom-made flow measuring and monitoring instruments.
Highly accurate and reliable Kytola flow meters can help you to protect your business by optimizing and securing the oxygen levels in your aquaculture needs.
With the increasing industry quality standards, you need the highest quality products. Learn more
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Pandemic puts pressure on China’s tilapia exports

The global market disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic is creating major problems for producers of aquatic products in China. The country’s growing tilapia industry has been hard hit by tougher inspection and import measures by overseas buyers. » Read more

Powell retires from nonprofit, relaunches consulting biz

Six years after taking the helm of CEO at the BC Centre for Aquatic Health Sciences (BC CAHS) in Campbell River, B.C., Dr. Jim Powell is bidding the nonprofit goodbye and relaunching his consulting business. » Read more
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Atlantic Cod: A Bio-Ecology

Atlantic Cod: Bio-Ecology of the Fish offers insightful chapter coverage of cod nomenclature, taxonomy, phylogeny and morphology; physiology and ecophysiology; reproduction and spawning behavior; early life history and pre-recruitment processes; migrations, movements and stock identity; feeding, growth and energetics; the place of cod in the ecosystem; the exploitation of cod through history and present day commercial fisheries and precautionary management for sustainable fisheries; impacts of climate change on cod biology and ecology; and the future of the species and its fisheries. Learn More
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Northeast Aquaculture Conference & Exposition

January 13 - January 15, 2021
Portland, Maine
» Learn more

LAQUA 2021

March 22 - March 25, 2021
Guayaquil, Ecuador
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November 3-4, 2021 » Learn more