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The opioid crisis has touched all corners of our society, including the workplace. Talent Canada and OHS Canada, the leading national workplace media brands, are hosting a special discussion on Opioids in the Workplace.

This event offers not just a discussion on its devastating impact but also equips employers with practical, hands-on advice. Learn to recognize warning signs, respond effectively to overdoses, and implement long-term strategies to prevent future incidents.

We have arranged a stellar lineup of speakers. It all kicks off with a keynote, featuring Dr. Nancy Carnide of the Institute for Work & Health and Dr. Jeavana Sritharan of the Occupational Cancer Research Centre.

Then we move into two panel discussions. The first is focused on defining the problem. Gain insights from industry leaders Ken Brodie of Modern Niagara; Julian Toy, a substance abuse professional with his own history of addiction; and Vicky Waldron of the Construction Industry Rehabilitation Plan.

It closes off with hands-on, practical advice for leaders. Learn from the LBCO’s Lilian Riad-Allen; Mike Russo of WorkBright; Dr. Bill Howatt of Howatt HR; and Candace Plattor of Love with Boundaries.

This event isn’t just about understanding the crisis; it’s about being part of the solution. Equip yourself with the knowledge and tools to safeguard your workplace and support your employees effectively.

Date and time: Jan. 31, 2024 | 1:30 p.m. ET
Registration fee: $99
Location: Virtual Event

Don't miss this opportunity to be part of a critical conversation and a driving force for positive change in your workplace. Register now and take the first step towards a safer and more informed work environment.

Can’t attend in person? Register to secure your spot and you’ll receive a link to the recording that you can watch on-demand.