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Madisons Weekly Report

Global lumber trade increased in March 2020 despite COVID-19

Demand for toilet paper, face masks, disinfecting wipes, corrugated paper for cardboard boxes, and wood products for home renovations are just a few forest products that have been in unusually high demand in many countries during this spring.

C&C Wood Products specialty mill to shut down

C&C Wood Products’ specialty mill in Quesnel, B.C. is shutting down, leaving 150 employees out of work.

Nova Scotia to buy land from struggling forestry sector members

This year, N.S. has decided to use its $1.5 million land purchasing budget to buy land entirely from people in forestry who may need support following the closure of Northern Pulp.
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BC forestry companies respond to Mosaic, USW agreement

In an open letter serving, a diverse group of forestry companies operating in British Columbia’s coastal region express their disapproval of Mosaic and USW’s recent agreement, arguing that it will reduce fibre availability for B.C. manufacturers. » Read more...

Vancouver approves 12-storey mass timber buildings

COFI applauds Vancouver for joining municipalities across B.C. in embracing green building as a climate change solution, approving by-law amendments to allow construction of mass timber buildings up to 12 storeys. » Read more...

ERA creates $40 million challenge for food, farming, and forestry innovation

Emissions Reduction Alberta has launched a $40 million Food, Farming, and Forestry Challenge to help inspire technology innovation to stimulate growth in these sectors. » Read more...

Canfor completes purchase of Elliott Sawmilling Company Inc.

Canfor has completed the purchase of Elliott Sawmilling Company Inc., adding over 210 million board feet of production capacity. » Read more...

Conifex continues temporary operation curtailment due to COVID-19

Due to the impacts of the COVID-19, Conifex has announced a continued curtailment of its Mackenzie, British Columbia sawmill until July 6, 2020. » Read more...