About Us

A Message From Our Sponsor

Vigilance in implementing good biosecurity on farms, each and every day, is important for protecting not only your flocks, but those of your neighbouring farms as well. The epidemiology reports from CFIA of cases to date indicate that an improved barn entrance design is one of the most impactful biosecurity changes that can be made on farms to prevent disease. A physical barrier at the barn entry, such as a wooden step-over or bench flush to the floor and walls, is a best practice and a demonstrated way to improve biosecurity compliance. As the Fall migration continues, the infection pressure will likely increase and it’s important to closely monitor feed and water consumption, and immediately consult your veterinarian in cases of unexplained mortality or illness.

Chicken Farmers of Canada
1610-50 O’Connor Street, Ottawa, ON K1P 6L2
613 241 2800