A Message from our sponsor

Say hello to the MOST ADVANCED console design software! WELS is a console design software tool that makes control room design and layout fast, easy, accurate and fun.

WELS is a console design software tool that makes control room design and layout fast, easy, accurate and fun!

This interactive, Winsted-exclusive, user-friendly, 3D control room design software program lets you use Winsted consoles and furniture to quickly design control room solutions that meet your needs. WELS is easy to use – and requires no additional design/CAD software to operate.

WELS is FREE and helps users prioritize control room functionality and situational awareness.

To download your free copy, click here.

10901 Hampshire Ave. South
Minneapolis, MN 55438
TEL: 800.447.2257
FAX: 952.944.1546
EMAIL: info@winsted.com