The Intelligent Key Cabinet (IKC) is a key management system ideal for mechanical and intelligent keys that require a high level of security and accountability.
A complete storage and control solution, the IKC is an electronically controlled steel cabinet that restricts access to keys. It can only be opened by authorized personnel using PIN, Biometric Fingerprint, and/or Prox Card authentication (optional).
The IKC electronically keeps a record of key removals and returns - by whom and when. Also an integral component of any XT Intelligent Key system, IKC stores and charges XT keys so they are always secure, and charged and ready for use.
Key Features:
- Multiple cabinet sizes, with iFob key port options of: 32, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 288. XT key port options are 32 and 64.
- Secures mechanical keys, XT keys, or a combination of both.
- Includes fingerprint reader.
- Built-in LCD screen for ID.
- Supports two-factor authentication. Also allows for dual custody.
- Audible and visual alarms. Also comes with Emergency Fob release system. Also includes Medeco high security mechanical lock for manual override.
- SMS and email alert messages.
- Camera for security photo capture.