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A message from the publisher

Welcome to our second edition of The GroundBreakers, our annual recognition program for contractors, advocates and water management professionals who go above and beyond to elevate the field of agricultural drainage.

Our first honoree of 2023 is LaVerne Weber, president of Grade Solutions Inc. in Illinois. After transitioning from the roads industry into drainage, Weber has led Grade Solutions to become known for two things: exemplary customer service and innovation – and the two often go hand-in-hand. For example, Grade Solutions recognizes the importance of bioreactors – but in order to make buffers as effective as possible, Grade Solutions goes above and beyond to make their own wood chips.

Stay tuned as we bring you the rest of our 2023 GroundBreakers. Never miss an episode by subscribing to AgAnnex Talks, on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts.