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Two US NIOSH Health Hazard Reports (HHEs) recommend that fire stations are equipped with diesel exhaust extraction systems, and to encourage regular use, even when firefighters are conducting routine running of the apparatus during equipment checks.

Source capture of airborne particles, prior to their spreading in the local environment, is the most efficient method to achieve a safe and healthy working environment. A key component to source captures systems is the sealed nozzle. Plymovent provides the Magnetic and Pneumatic Grabber® systems for virtually 100% source capture of emissions. The Grabber® connects to the tailpipe and removes the exhaust fumes from the fire station. Plus, it’s simple to use!

Are you located in Ontario? The Ontario Fire Service Section 21 Advisory Committee “recommends the installation of direct capture type exhaust system extractors when stations are being renovated or newly constructed.”

Follow us on Instagram @PlymoventEECanada.

5655 Kennedy Road | Unit 1, Mississauga (ON), Canada, 800 465 0327