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Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada launched the $50 million Surplus Food Rescue Program yesterday to help vulnerable Canadians.
Michael Kester will retire at the end of 2020 after 42 years at Syngenta. Mark Schermer is appointed as his successor as global head of Syngenta Flowers from September 1, 2020.
Opportunities to expand both greenhouse and field-grown strawberry production could supply 50 per cent of the province’s annual consumption.
Ontario premier Doug Ford says workers need to take the COVID-19 test voluntarily and employers must also agree to it.
Raymond A. Cloyd, an extension Specialist in Ornamental Entomology/Integrated Pest Management at Kansas State University, discusses the common insect and mite pests of ornamental crops and how to treat their infestations. Cloyd explains insecticide and chemical classes and modes of operation, proper tank mixing procedures, application coverage and timing, and pesticide storage.
He also talks about phytotoxicity and the effects of pH on chemical effectiveness. A final chapter on pest identification describes common insets and mite pests, their feeding patterns and damage to crops, and control methods.
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When it comes to disease-related issues in greenhouse crops, one point of confusion is often over which pathogens can be transmitted by water. Some are obvious – we all know Pythium is water-borne. But what about other culprits, like Fusarium or Erwinia? Should you worry about these in your recirculating water
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Ever wonder how water-related disease issues just seem to pop up out of nowhere? You’ve never had a problem before, but suddenly things just aren’t looking right. The truth is, water sanitation problems often go unnoticed while pathogen levels are low. Or, problems can suddenly appear if a new pathogen is brought in through a variety of different routes.
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The program will support small and large community-led projects at facilities such as urban gardens, community kitchens, food banks, and greenhouses.
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Located in the Nature Fresh Farm Recreation Centre, the gymnasium has been converted into a swabbing and testing clinic to offer assessment, testing and care for approximately 8,000 agri-food workers in the area
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The Government of Ontario is committing an additional $15 million to enhance health and safety measures on farms and in food processing facilities.
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