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A message from our sponsor

The H160 was certified this month in Canada, bringing superior innovation, safety, comfort, and efficiency to Canadian customers.

A multi-role helicopter, the H160 is capable of performing a wide range of missions such as offshore transportation, emergency medical services, private and business aviation, commercial passenger transport, as well as public services such as search and rescue and law enforcement. The H160 is equipped with the world’s first ground helipad assisted take off procedure, and is equipped with Airbus’ Helionix® avionics suite for reduced pilot workload, the canted Fenestron® for greater useful load and flat altitude in flight, sound-reducing Blue Edge™ rotor blades for quieter operations, and game changing support.

With reduced fuel consumption and perceived sound, the H160 additionally allows customers to take a step towards reducing their environmental footprint.

The H160 stands out as one of the most technologically advanced helicopters globally, crafted for optimal operational safety and unparalleled comfort within its class. The H160 has set a new standard for excellence in Canadian skies, as the future of helicopters in Canada.

Read more about the H160 and how Airbus Helicopters is #MakingMissionsPossible in Canada.

Airbus Helicopters Canada Limited
1100 Gilmore Road, Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada L2A 5M9
Contact.comms.ahca@airbus.com | 905-871-7772