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South Australia expands aquaculture zone

The Government of South Australia is opening up more than 6,500 hectares of unallocated and available water from Tumby Bay to Streaky Bay for aquaculture production, in a bid to grow the state’s economy and generate new jobs.

No forced closure for aquaculture in B.C. amid Covid-19

In its battle to stem the tide of Covid-19 infections, the government of British Columbia has ordered a number of non-essential businesses to temporarily shut down if they are unable to ensure safe physical distance among their workers.

EU extends financial relief to coronavirus-affected aquaculture sector

The European Commission is taking steps to extend financial aid to the fisheries and aquaculture sectors within EU member states that have been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Feature Stories 

Global aquaculture facing new norm amid Covid-19

From national emergencies to lockdowns and travel bans the continued global spread of the novel coronavirus (Covid-19) has every industry bracing for the worst – and the aquaculture industry is no exception. » Read more

RAS Talk: Keys to mitigating off-flavour

As RAS operations across the world ramp up, it is increasingly important to effectively address off-flavour issues in RAS-grown fish. The research is available for effective mitigation measures and many RAS producers are successfully implementing these recommendations. Justin Henry, director of aquaculture at Habitat Life, and John Davidson, research scientist at the Freshwater Institute, discuss some best practices in mitigating off-flavours. » Read more
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