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Message from our publisher

The deadline to nominate someone for On-Site Magazine’s 40 Under 40 in Canadian Construction program is now Thursday, August 3. Please do not delay. Midnight (PST) on the 3rd will be your last chance to nominate yourself or your peers for the 2023 edition of this prestigious industry recognition program.

The program, presented by On-Site Magazine and SitePartners, recognizes exceptional, progressive, and innovative young leaders within and supporting the construction sector in Canada. Nominees may work directly for firms engaged in construction, or that provide services to Canadian construction companies.

A panel of judges will select winners based on professional achievements, innovation, leadership, and community involvement. And each of the 40 will be profiled in the October 2023 issue of On-Site Magazine.

Self-nominations are permitted with supporting references, and all nominees must be residents of Canada currently working in construction in Canada, and 39 years old or younger on December 31, 2023.

Nomination forms and additional details are available at https://site40under40.ca.

Nominations close on August 3, so please don't delay.

Thank you for helping us encourage the great work being done by these emerging leaders.


Adam Freill
On-Site Magazine