About Us

Message from our sponsor

While technology should give your business a big efficiency boost, the truth is that most AEC firms are only experiencing incremental gains. Many businesses want more from their technology solutions but end up waiting until something breaks, or their solution can no longer support their needs before they make a change. This isn’t a smart business move. Being proactive and treating technology as the strategic investment that it is, can help differentiate you from the competition and take your business to the next level.

An information technology (IT) audit is a great way to gauge the shape of your business’ technology infrastructure to determine what’s working, what’s not, and what falls somewhere in between. It’s time to free yourself from technology that is holding your business back, ensuring that what you’re left with is moving your business closer to its goals.

Ready to dive into a technology audit? Download our white paper to learn:
  • Questions to ask when assessing your current tech stack
  • How to select an IT auditor
  • Key components of a successful IT audit
  • How tech can help your business prepare for the future

SoftwareONE Canada Inc.
2 Bloor Street West, Suite 700 Toronto, ON M4W 3E2
connect.us@softwareone.com | 1-800-444-9890