Winter is Mother Nature’s driving test for construction workers who drive between job sites or for any other work-related reason. As an employer, your job is to help ensure they pass the test.
Nearly 40% of all work-related crashes resulting in injury and time off work in BC occur from November through February. Crashes are the leading cause of work-related traumatic deaths. Driving for work is dangerous every time your employees get behind the wheel, even if it’s just for a few minutes.
Here are 4 steps from you can take to help reduce the risks.
Step 1: Understand your responsibilities and how to fulfill them
Take our no-cost Winter Driving Safety for Employers and Supervisors Online Course. You’ll learn how to implement and monitor a winter driving safety program. Complete the course and exit survey by December 15 to be entered into a draw for a set of winter tires courtesy of Kal Tire (estimated value up to $1,000).
Step 2: Identify winter hazards and assess risk
Start by figuring out the unique winter driving-related hazards your employees will most likely face. Assess the level of risk. Could an employee be severely injured? How likely is the hazard to cause a crash?
Then decide how to manage the risks. Some examples include:
- Ensure all vehicles are maintained and equipped for winter driving (proper winter tires and chains, an emergency kit, winter wiper blades, etc.).
- Postpone or eliminate driving if possible when conditions are poor.
- Have drivers visit before travelling to check weather and road conditions.
Step 3: Develop/update driving policy and procedures
Put your guidelines in writing and review them with employees. Set safe driving expectations and supervise employees to make sure they’re being met. Use our winter driving safety policy and procedures template to get started. It can be adapted to suit organizations of any size.
Step 4: Train and educate drivers
All employees who drive as part of their job need winter driving orientation. Have them review our Driving for the Conditions Tool Kit and Practical BC Winter Driving Tips webinar. Use our tailgate meeting guides at safety meetings to emphasize key driving points.