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Do you know the best way to recruit and retain during a labour shortage?

Quarry Tech 2023 is coming and we’re excited to bring you the best, most up-to-date information to help your business grow.

Join Rock to Road in person on Oct. 24 at the Kanata Holiday Inn & Suites to get the scoop on everything you’ve been asking for, including the best way to recruit new workers and retain the employees you have.

Mark Nesbitt, the founder of Nesbitt Training is an industry leader in recruitment and retention for the Canadian aggregates and construction sectors. Bringing his thirty years’ experience and his passion for people to Quarry Tech, Mark will teach to attendees how to make their operation more attractive to potential employees even in a challenging labour market.

Register now and get all your labour questions answered!

Experts in the field will also share the latest in maintenance, screening and mobile crushing, including:
  • Maintenance and extending the life of your equipment — Focusing on hard rock operations, Kevin Ruppert will discuss how planned downtime and regular maintenance can extend the life of your equipment and save you money.
  • Value driven technology – What it means to your operation — A comprehensive overview on new technology advancements and innovation within the mobile track-mounted crushing and screening industry.
  • Screening Problems from the field: Working Through Case Studies — While there is great value in general information, rules of thumb and pro-tips, this presentation relies on actual case studies to bring theory to life.
For a complete list of speakers head to our website.

Don’t miss out! Connect with like-minded professionals and industry leaders and learn cutting-edge strategies and knowledge for maximizing your pit’s potential. We can’t wait to see you there.

Is your organization interested in a group rate? Email Rock to Road’s editor at ebate@annexbusinessmedia.com for a discount code!

Quarry Tech is presented with thanks to our sponsors: Wirtgen Group, Ault Industries, Polydeck, Assinck Ltd., and Powerscreen of Canada Ltd.