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Dec. 5 marked the annual World Soil Day, which for 2023 will celebrate the theme of “soil and water: a source of life.” To recognize the importance of soil health to the farming community and the environment as a whole, Dr. Benjamin Ellert, research scientist and biogeochemistry and the agroecosystem science team lead with AAFC – Lethbridge, will join Inputs podcast host Dylan Sjolie to discuss several soil health topics and how that relates to the environment.

During the podcast, Ellert will touch upon such issues as soil health as it relates to carbon, the impact carbon content in soil has on the environment and how soil can retain carbon from the atmosphere. Ellert will discuss how long-term agrological relief sites are adding value to the understanding of the influence of cropping practices on carbon sequestration and levels of carbon in soil. He will also address the effect drought conditions had in Southern Alberta, how that impacted soil health and how today’s technology helps mitigate some of the impact of dry conditions. Finally, Ellert will talk about a children’s book he wrote with AAFC soil technician Katelyn Lutes titled Soil Biodiversity: What’s Most Important, and the importance of engaging today’s youth in soil health.

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