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How to handle soybean lodging

The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs has compiled a resource on the major causes and management strategies for soybean lodging.

Empty shipping containers leave crops stranded

As China has rebounded from the pandemic faster than other countries and increased exports, they’re paying a premium for the shipping containers, leading to more shipping containers travelling empty.

Government looks to fill FDMS Appeals Board vacancies

Ideal applicants to the Appeals Board will have experience as owners and/or operators of a farming enterprise or experience providing financial advisory services to farming operations.
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WEBINAR: Soil test trends, crop nutrient removal & nutrient application

Join us for a free, interactive webinar on Feb. 16, 2021 at 1 p.m. MT / 3 p.m. ET with Dr. Alan Blaylock, Ph.D., senior agronomist with Nutrien, as he shares insights on phosphorus and potassium crop nutrition, including soil test trends, crop nutrient removal and nutrient management strategies.

This interactive webinar will also include a demonstration of the eKonomics Nutrient Removal Calculator, which calculates nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium removal for various crops at a chosen yield level and the value of those nutrients. Register Today!
Featured News 

Blackleg disease yield loss modelled for hybrid canola

Research co-led by Sheau-Fang Hwang and Steve Strelkov at the University of Alberta is further refining the blackleg yield loss model so that agronomists and farmers can more objectively evaluate the performance of their resistant canola hybrids. This research is particularly important because a shift in the L. maculans pathogen population has been identified. » Learn more
Green Canola

De-greening the green

It happens every year: harvest frost. And with the frost comes green chlorophyll that is locked into the seed of immature canola plants. Without a frost, green chlorophyll gradually disappears as canola matures. But a non-lethal frost can fix the green colour in the seed. Marcus Samuel, professor of integrative cell biology at the University of Calgary, is leading research on how to de-green canola. » Learn more